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League Liga  Klasse 
Leg 1:
Leg 2:
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Table: U15 Schüler Klasse - 2016/2017 (Limit rounds)


Points -> match ratio -> number of match won -> game ratio.
Team T-Abbr. M

Team matches (M)

Number of team matches.

Win (W)

Number of wins of the team

Draw (D)

Number of draws of the team

Loss (L)

Number of losses of the team

Match ratio (MR)

Ratio: won single and double match / lost single and double match

Game ratio (GR)

Ratio: won games / lost games

Points (P)

Number of points:
Win: 2 points
Draw: 1 points
Loss: 0 points
No line up: 0 points

Bonus points (+)

Additional bonus points from previous events.
1. TTC Rum 1 RUM1 8 8 0 0 50 : 14 168 : 60 16  
2. TTC Raiba Kirchbichl 2 KIRB2 8 6 0 2 43 : 22 139 : 92 12  
3. Turnerschaft Innsbruck 1 INNS1 8 3 0 5 31 : 36 106 : 123 6  
4. TTC Rum 2 RUM2 8 3 0 5 25 : 37 92 : 127 6  
5. SU Spk. Kufstein 1 KUST1 8 0 0 8 8 : 48 43 : 146 0  
Single Ranking U15 Schüler Klasse - 2016/2017


Only players having played at least half of the matches are ranked. Players without losses are ranked before players with losses. Within those players a higher product of M*W is better. Players having at least one loss are ranked by the term M*W/L.
NamePassnr.T-Abbr. M

Team matches (M)

Number of team matches.
W / L

Wins / Losses (W / L)

Ratio: Wins / Losses from single matches. Pay attention for extra rules for players without any win or without any loss (see Rank).


Ratings Central rating ± standard deviation (uncertainty).
For ongoing season: current values.
For former seasons: values at the end of season


Age-Group (AG)

Age-Groups are defined by key date
U 9: under 9 (-1 last U9-year, -2 year before last U9-year, ...)
U11: under 11 (1 first U11-year, 2 second U11-year)
U13: under 13 (1 first U13-year, 2 second U13-year)
U15: under 15 (1 first U15-year, 2 second U15-year)
U18: under 18 (1 first U18-year, 2 second U18-year, 3 third U18-year)
U21: under 21 (1 first U21-year, 2 second U21-year, 3 third U21-year)
S40: Seniors over 40 years
S50: Seniors over 50 years
S60: Seniors over 60 years
S70: Seniors over 70 years
S80: Seniors over 80 years.
1.Jilg-Thaler Sebastian 4666 RUM1 8 17 : 1 831 ± 46  U152
2.Pühringer David 4925 INNS1 8 18 : 3 603 ± 44  U132
3.Salzburger Maximilian 4734 KIRB2 8 15 : 3 649 ± 54  U152
4.Sponring Martin 4698 RUM1 8 13 : 5 489 ± 44  U152
5.Perner Marvin 4670 KIRB2 8 12 : 5 461 ± 51  U151
6.Lex Tassilo 4654 RUM1 8 10 : 6 570 ± 45  U152
7.Kohl-Lörting Leonhard 5004 RUM2 7 8 : 6 374 ± 52  U152
8.Ungerhofer Nicole 4667 KUST1 8 7 : 9 341 ± 38  U132
9.Jedinger Noah 5044 RUM2 8 6 : 11 333 ± 50  U152
10.Schuster Jonah 5000 INNS1 4 4 : 4 532 ± 58  U132
11.Held Alexander 4985 KIRB2 8 4 : 14 242 ± 51  U132
12.Aichner Marcello 4916 INNS1 4 2 : 9 253 ± 40  U11
13.Reich Samuel 4940 RUM2 4 1 : 7 204 ± 45  U10
14.Senfter Elias 4970 INNS1 4 1 : 9 216 ± 73  U151
15.Gudelj Marina 5058 KUST1 4 0 : 7 60 ± 70  U152
16.Mayer Johannes 4952 KUST1 4 0 : 8 143 ± 59  U131
16.Mayer Sebastian 4951 KUST1 4 0 : 8 137 ± 83  U152
Not ranked:

Not ranked

Players that have played in less than 50% of possible team matches are not ranked.
 Pallhuber Michael 4826 RUM2 2 3 : 2 345 ± 61  U151
 Stefan Andreas 5047 RUM2 3 1 : 5 214 ± 48  U132
Double Ranking: U15 Schüler Klasse - 2016/2017


T-Abbr. M

Team matches (M)

Number of team matches.
W / L

Wins / Losses (W / L)

Match-Ratio: Won double matches / Lost double matches


Game-Ration: Won games / Lost games (double)
Pair-Results Player-Results
1. 8 8 : 24 :
Salzburger Max. / Perner Mar. 7:0
Salzburger Max. / Held Ale. 1:0
Salzburger Maximilian 8:0
Perner Marvin 7:0
Held Alexander 1:0
2. 8 6 : 21 :
Lex Tas. / Jilg-Thaler Seb. 3:1
Jilg-Thaler Seb. / Sponring Mar. 3:1
Jilg-Thaler Sebastian 6:2
Lex Tassilo 3:1
Sponring Martin 3:1
3. 8 4 : 15 :
Pühringer Dav. / Schuster Jon. 2:2
Aichner Mar. / Pühringer Dav. 2:2
Pühringer David 4:4
Aichner Marcello 2:2
Schuster Jonah 2:2
4. 8 2 : 6 :
Pallhuber Mic. / Jedinger Noa. 1:0
Reich Sam. / Kohl-Lörting Leo. 1:1
Pallhuber Mic. / Stefan And. 0:1
Kohl-Lörting Leo. / Jedinger Noa. 0:4
Pallhuber Michael 1:1
Reich Samuel 1:1
Jedinger Noah 1:4
Kohl-Lörting Leonhard 1:5
Stefan Andreas 0:1
5. 8 0 : 3 :
Mayer Seb. / Mayer Joh. 0:1
Ungerhofer Nic. / Mayer Joh. 0:1
Ungerhofer Nic. / Mayer Seb. 0:2
Ungerhofer Nic. / Gudelj Mar. 0:4
Mayer Johannes 0:2
Mayer Sebastian 0:3
Gudelj Marina 0:4
Ungerhofer Nicole 0:7
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